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Report: DeSantis Campaign Utilized Nazi Symbol In Deleted Campaign Video

Quick Summary:

  • Governor Ron DeSantis’ campaign released a video that included a sonnenrad, a Nazi symbol, leading to widespread criticism.
  • The symbol, often associated with white supremacists and neo-Nazis, was placed alongside DeSantis’ slogan, “Make America Florida.”
  • Despite the video’s removal, the incident has sparked fresh concerns about DeSantis’ alleged affiliations with far-right groups.

The Disturbing Flash: Sonnenrad Symbolism

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s campaign recently came under fire when a video it released was found to contain troubling imagery. The video included the Nazi symbol known as the sonnenrad, which has been adopted by neo-Nazis and other modern white supremacists. The DeSantis campaign swiftly removed the video following public outcry, but the incident reignited concerns about the governor’s perceived connections with extremist groups.

Podcast host Luke Thompson, of “Constitutionally Speaking,” was among the first to spot the sonnenrad in the video. As the Anti-Defamation League explains, the sonnenrad is an ancient European symbol that the Nazis used in their misguided idealization of ‘Aryan/Norse’ cultures.

In DeSantis’ video, the outer part of the circle bore the phrase “Make America Florida,” DeSantis’ campaign slogan, raising concerns that the campaign was deliberately appealing to far-right elements. Even though the campaign deleted the video, Thompson reposted it to ensure that it couldn’t be denied or forgotten.

A Persistent Pattern: DeSantis and Far-right Allegations

This incident is not an isolated case; it forms part of a persistent pattern that has followed Governor DeSantis throughout his tenure.

In 2023, he hired a speechwriter linked to neo-Nazis, further sparking suspicions about his affiliations. Following DeSantis’ feud with Disney, neo-Nazi groups began protesting outside the famous amusement park located south of Orlando. This occurrence came after several neo-Nazi groups started appearing around the state.

Critics argue that these associations and incidents suggest a troubling inclination on the part of DeSantis to either court or at least fail to challenge far-right elements within his supporter base. At least one columnist has even warned that no one should expect DeSantis to denounce neo-Nazis or white supremacists explicitly.

GOP Demagoguery and Anti-Semitism

This latest controversy raises critical questions about the nature and implications of political campaigns, including how and why particular symbols and slogans are employed. Whether the DeSantis campaign knowingly used a Nazi symbol in a bid to appeal to a far-right audience, or it was an unfortunate oversight, remains unclear.

What is clear, however, is the negative impact such controversy can have on a campaign and on wider societal perceptions. The swift removal of the video suggests an awareness of this fact. But the lingering concerns and resurfacing allegations of DeSantis’ perceived links to far-right groups underscore the importance of transparency and accountability in political campaigning.

At a time when the country is grappling with deep ideological divides and rising tensions, the use of imagery associated with hate and intolerance only serves to exacerbate these divisions. As such, political leaders must demonstrate their commitment to unity and inclusivity, not only through their words but also through the symbolism they employ in their campaigns.

RawStory: Read more here
