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How Iran Undermines Palestinian Aspirations by Exploiting Their Legitimate Historical Grievances

Iran’s scheme of keeping the tensions ignited between Israel and the Palestinians is a well-calculated strategy that not only fuels the cycle of violence but severely undermines the Palestinian quest for self-determination.

This begins with Iran’s adeptness at stirring up trouble, only to leave Palestinian civilians dealing with the aftermath, a tactic that ensures the cycle of violence continues unabated.

Instigating Trouble: Iran’s Calculated Maneuvers

Iran’s involvement in the Israel-Palestine conflict is far from benign, with a calculated approach aimed at keeping the tensions perpetually high.

By doing so, Iran intends to fuel a cycle of hopelessness and desperation which, in turn, feeds the Israel-Palestinian conflict, furthering Iran’s geopolitical agenda in the region. The acts of terrorism and the subsequent responses they elicit are precisely the kind of disorder Iran seeks to perpetuate, ensuring a continuous state of hostilities that serve its interests.

Zero-Sum Game: Iran’s Approach to International Relations

Iran often views international relations through a zero-sum lens, where gains for one actor, particularly adversarial ones like Israel or the United States, are perceived as losses for Iran.

This perspective fuels Tehran’s adversarial strategies and its backing of proxy forces across the region, aimed at undermining its perceived foes. In the context of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Iran’s support for militant groups underpins its broader objective of diminishing Israeli and American influence in the Middle East, even at the cost of Palestinian well-being and aspirations for statehood.

Impact on Palestinian Aspirations

The detrimental impact of Iran’s strategy on Palestinian national aspirations is glaring.

By weaponizing the legitimate grievances of the Palestinians, Iran not only undermines their quest for self-determination but also furthers its geopolitical ambitions at the expense of peace and stability in the region.

The continuous state of hostility, fueled by Iran’s orchestrated chaos, stands as a major roadblock to the Palestinians’ earnest pursuit of nationhood.

Iran and Proxy Forces Leave Palestinians to Bear the Consequences

Iran’s backing of Hamas, particularly during confrontations with Israel, serves to further Tehran’s geo-political agendas.

However, the specifics concerning Iran’s withdrawal and the subsequent impact on Palestinians require more extensive investigation. Iranian officials have openly endorsed Hamas’ actions against Israel, exemplifying the proxy relationship between them​.

A Web of Proxy Warfare: Beyond Hamas

Iran’s backing doesn’t end with Hamas; it extends to other extremist groups like Islamic Jihad and Hezbollah. These proxies hold the regions they operate in hostage, much like Hamas in Gaza.

Hezbollah, notably, has held the people of Lebanon and Syria hostage, wielding significant power and promoting Iran’s agenda in these regions.

The reality is harsh: one election in almost 20 years for Hamas signifies the lack of political freedom for Gazans, a scenario mirrored in Lebanon and Syria under Hezbollah’s influence.

Brutalizing the Levant: A Broader Scheme of Control

The brutalization of the peoples of the Levant through proxies like Hamas and Hezbollah is part of Iran’s grand strategy to control the Middle East. By destabilizing these regions, Iran aims to establish a dominant Shiite influence across the Middle East, challenging Israeli and Western interests in the process.

The coordination between Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, Hezbollah, and Hamas during recent conflicts in Gaza underscores this broader strategy of exerting control and furthering sectarian divides in the region.

Exploiting Desperation: Iran’s Global Agenda

Iran’s Ayatollahs and rulers are far from the paragons of morality they portray themselves to be. In reality, they profit from global human trafficking and drug trafficking networks, primarily operated through the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Hezbollah.

These groups are notoriously involved in organized crime, a venture that significantly profits Iran’s rulers while promoting their extremist agenda on a global scale.

A Bloody Legacy: Iran’s Deadly Engagements

Iran’s malevolent engagement isn’t confined to the Middle East. The IRGC and its proxies have been responsible for a multitude of attacks against U.S. forces, notably in Iraq, where Iran-backed militias killed hundreds of American soldiers. This bloody legacy portrays Iran’s broader strategy of undermining U.S. interests wherever possible, a mission facilitated by its network of proxies across the globe.

The Perverse Success of Iran’s Strategy:

Iran’s strategy of engaging in proxy warfare through allies like Hamas is a multifaceted approach that serves its geopolitical interests.

By supporting Hamas’ military endeavors against Israel, Iran keeps one of its primary adversaries preoccupied, thereby diverting attention from its own regional ambitions.

This cycle of violence also works to undermine the Palestinian quest for statehood, as the continuous conflicts distract from diplomatic efforts and further entrench hostilities between Israel and Palestinians.

The aftermath of such confrontations often leaves Palestinians in a state of devastation, exacerbating the humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

The “Al-Aqsa Storm” operation on October 7, 2023, exemplifies this strategy, where Hamas launched a multi-pronged attack on Israel. This operation, backed by Iran, led to a significant escalation in violence, causing deaths and injuries on both sides of the conflict​.

Iran’s Supreme Leader’s top military adviser expressed outright support for Hamas’ actions, reaffirming Iran’s stance to back Islamist fighters “until the liberation of Palestine and Jerusalem”​. This indicates Iran’s long-term goal of countering Israeli influence in the region, using Hamas as a proxy to achieve its geopolitical objectives.

Iran’s Hypocrisy

Iran’s international posturing often radiates a sense of moral and religious superiority, which contrasts starkly with its engagement in illicit activities on a global scale. By supporting groups like Hamas and Hezbollah, Iran is indirectly involved in a myriad of criminal enterprises including international terrorism, drug trafficking, and human trafficking.

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and Hezbollah, as Iran’s proxies, have been implicated in organized crime networks that span across the Middle East and beyond. These activities contribute to a global illicit economy that serves to enrich Iran’s elite while the common Iranians bear the brunt of economic sanctions and international isolation.

Furthermore, Iran’s engagement in such activities undermines the stability of the Middle East, as it fosters a climate of violence, criminality, and political unrest. The humanitarian cost of Iran’s hypocrisy is evident not only in the plight of Palestinians but also in the broader regional instability that affects nations and communities across the Middle East.

The dynamics between Hamas, Iran, and the broader Middle East political landscape reveal a narrative fraught with exploitation, hypocrisy, and a relentless pursuit of vested interests.

The wealth accumulation by Hamas leaders, the exploitation of Palestinian casualties, and Iran’s proxy warfare strategy underscore a complex geopolitical reality that merits a nuanced, fact-based analysis.

The ramifications of these actions reverberate across the lives of common Palestinians, Iranians, and the geopolitical fabric of the Middle East, warranting a deeper understanding to foster more informed and effective policy decisions.

Destabilization as Policy

Iran’s persistent strategy of instigating conflict, backing terrorist groups, and exploiting the grievances of the Palestinians serves to undermine their national aspirations profoundly. This deliberate cycle of violence orchestrated by Iran significantly hampers the prospects of peace and statehood that the Palestinians earnestly seek, making Iran a key player in the continued destabilization of the region.


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