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GOP Lawmaker Questions Evolution: If Computers Don’t Self-Assemble, How Can Evolution Be True?

MN State Rep. Glenn Gruenhagen’s Remarks on Creationism in Science Education


State Rep. Glenn Gruenhagen (R) claims that science classes spread “lies” by not teaching Creationism. He asks, “You have a computer. Did someone make the computer? Or did wind, rain, time, and chance blow the computer into existence?”

Irreducible Complexity Fallacy

Gruenhagen’s argument relies on the fallacy of irreducible complexity. This fallacy incorrectly claims that complex systems could not have evolved from simpler ones over time. This notion, linked to intelligent design, suggests that certain complexities are too intricate to have arisen naturally.

Scientific Consensus

The scientific community rejects irreducible complexity and intelligent design due to their lack of empirical support. For instance, the evolution of the eye, often cited as irreducibly complex, is well-documented in various stages across different species. This demonstrates a gradual evolutionary process.

Nature and Probability

Complex systems evolve over extensive periods—thousands, millions, or even billions of years. Nature operates probabilistically, not deterministically. The assertion that complex objects like computers need a designer misunderstands natural processes.

Life Beyond Earth

Modern technology implies that sentient life is rare but does not exclude the possibility of other sentient beings evolving naturally. The discovery of extremophiles—organisms thriving in extreme conditions on Earth—supports the potential for life in diverse environments throughout the universe.

Creationism and Natural Processes

Creationism reflects a skepticism of natural processes that a creator God could have initiated, such as the Big Bang, which aligns with the laws of physics. According to modern physics, the Big Bang did not need a prime mover like a creator God; natural processes can explain the universe’s origins.

Political and Personal Biases

Creationists often resist evolutionary theory and cosmological science due to political beliefs and a desire for power over others. They prefer an anthropomorphic realization of their deity rather than an omniscient, omnipotent, and omnibenevolent God not confined to narrow human definitions.


Resistance to evolutionary theory and cosmological science often arises from a preference for simple, human-like explanations over the awe-inspiring complexity of natural processes. By insisting on a literal interpretation of religious texts, creationists miss the profound truths revealed by science. These truths invite us to marvel at the universe’s grandeur and our place within it. Science does not diminish spirituality but enriches it by unveiling the intricate workings of the universe, leaving ample room for wonder and reverence.
