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The Journey to Mars: Feasibility and Survival

A horizontal abstract image of a futuristic spacecraft traveling through space towards Mars, with elements of robotic construction on the Moon, solar power arrays, and advancements like fusion energy and artificial intelligence.

The Journey to Mars: Feasibility and Survival


With advances in space technology, the possibility of sending humans to Mars is becoming increasingly tangible. However, a direct mission to Mars presents numerous challenges and uncertainties. This essay explores the feasibility of a trip from Earth to Mars using current technology and assesses the survival prospects of a human crew upon landing on Mars. It also proposes a phased approach to space exploration, focusing first on establishing a robust infrastructure on the Moon, perfecting robotic technology for Martian construction, and addressing climate change with potential applications for terraforming Mars. Additionally, the development of better communication systems and energy solutions, such as fusion power, are critical to this strategy. It’s possible for human beings to explore the solar system, particularly planets that are closer to Earth, like Mars. Future advancements will make such missions easier, so the focus should be on developing technologies that enhance the probability of mission success.

Travel Duration to Mars

If we were to try to go to Mars with the best technology available today, it would take about six to nine months to get there, depending on the positions of Earth and Mars. The average distance between Earth and Mars is approximately 225 million kilometers (140 million miles), and travel times are heavily influenced by the alignment of the planets and the propulsion technology used.

Challenges of Landing on Mars

Landing a human crew on Mars involves overcoming significant challenges, such as the planet’s thin atmosphere and harsh surface conditions. Ensuring a survivable landing requires advanced engineering solutions and robust landing systems.

Survival on Mars

Surviving on Mars poses significant challenges due to its harsh environment. Key factors include:

  • Shelter and Environment: Mars is about 80 degrees below zero Fahrenheit (60 degrees below zero Celsius), making it unsuitable for human life without protection. Constructing a suitable shelter to protect humans from radiation, extreme temperatures, and provide a livable environment is essential. This includes capabilities for creating or storing water, potentially through extraction from Martian ice.
  • Radiation Protection: Mars lacks a protective magnetic field and has a thin atmosphere, exposing inhabitants to high levels of cosmic radiation. Effective radiation shielding within the shelter is crucial to protect the crew.
  • Temperature Regulation: The shelter must have adequate insulation and heating systems to maintain a stable and habitable temperature.
  • Resource Management: Sustaining a crew requires reliable access to water and food. Systems for water extraction from ice and methods for food production, or substantial supplies from Earth, are necessary for long-term survival.
  • Energy Supply: Electricity is essential for maintaining life support systems, communication, and other operations. Solar power could be viable but requires efficient storage solutions to manage energy during long Martian nights and dust storms.
  • Medical Support: A human crew would need medical expertise to handle potential health issues arising from the space journey and the Martian environment. Including a doctor or medical professional in the crew is vital.

Initial Base and Expansion

The primary goal of the initial mission would be to establish a basic base capable of supporting human life. This base would serve as a starting point for further expansion and exploration. The initial setup would involve creating a stable habitat, ensuring a reliable supply of water and food, and maintaining communication with Earth. One way to achieve this is by having robots set up infrastructure in advance. Robots controlled via communication systems from a lunar base or starships within the solar system could build essential structures, reducing the likelihood of human catastrophe and increasing the chances of mission success.

Survival Likelihood

Given our current technology, the likelihood of mission success and crew survival on Mars is a topic of much debate. While significant progress has been made, numerous challenges remain. The harsh environment, radiation exposure, and resource management present formidable obstacles. However, with careful planning, advanced engineering, and robust support systems, a human mission to Mars could achieve a high chance of success.

A Strategic Path to Mars: Leveraging Technology and Infrastructure

Phase One: Moon Colonization

The initial focus should be on the Moon, creating a lunar base that utilizes 3D printing technology to create infrastructure and resources at scale. The lunar base should be a major human settlement away from Earth, ideally free from Earth-type politics to allow for a concerted effort in reaching outer space. The Moon, for instance, has ice, hydrogen, and oxygen. Robots capable of building infrastructure on Mars could do the same on the Moon, positioning it as a forward base for launching reconnaissance aircraft, satellites for relaying communication across the solar system, and creating ships in a lower-gravity environment, which is advantageous compared to launching from Earth.

Phase Two: Advancing Robotic Technology

Robotic technology, particularly infrastructure robotics, has advanced exponentially over the last twenty to thirty years. Synthetic intelligence, which would run these robots, has also seen rapid development, with recent advancements in AI like ChatGPT. The next technological revolution could be in terms of artificial general intelligence (AGI), which may occur in the next ten to fifteen years. A robotic workforce with synthetic intelligence capable of communicating and organizing infrastructure plans from a Moon base would greatly enhance the chances of survival for humans arriving on Mars, as they would be met with pre-built infrastructure.

Phase Three: Climate Change Mitigation and Terraforming

Addressing climate change on Earth involves technologies like carbon capture, which can also be applied to terraforming Mars. Perfecting this technology on Earth is crucial for lowering global temperatures and can provide a blueprint for creating a more hospitable atmosphere on Mars. This dual approach benefits both Earth and future Mars colonization efforts.

Energy Solutions: Fusion Power

Fusion energy has shown promise in small-scale tests, producing more energy than is consumed to create the fusion reaction. Fusion is considered the energy of the future and will be essential for solar system travel and interstellar exploration. Although currently in its infancy, fusion technology will likely mature over the next thirty to fifty years, significantly improving the chances of survival outside Earth.

Space Elevator and Resource Transport

A space elevator could facilitate the transport of resources and materials to the Moon and beyond, creating a lunar base. While still theoretical, the scientific principles support its feasibility. This would streamline resource transport and construction in space, further enhancing the likelihood of successful exploration and colonization.

The Role of Robots and Synthetic Intelligence

It is crucial to have robots with synthetic intelligence, or synthetic humans, performing tasks that humans would normally do. Space travel is inherently dangerous, and people can die in space. This is analogous to seafaring journeys made by our ancestors across oceans or expeditions through jungles and forests. If a critical crew member, like a doctor or chief medical officer, were to become incapacitated or pass away, it could destabilize the mission and lead to failure. Robots should handle high-risk tasks such as spacewalks or external repairs to preserve human life. Automated robotic technology can take over critical roles if humans become incapacitated, especially in healthcare and mission-critical operations.

There are various theories about the timeline for achieving artificial general intelligence (AGI), with some suggesting it could happen within the next 10 to 15 years or even sooner. This is speculative, but the possibility of AGI being developed in the near future is becoming increasingly plausible. Having AGI or something similar would greatly enhance the efficiency and safety of space missions.


Given the current pace of technological development, a strategic and phased approach suggests that by the end of the 21st century, humanity could establish a sustainable presence on Mars. Starting with the development of infrastructure on the Moon and advancing through the perfection of robotic and AI technologies, these efforts will lay a strong foundation for future Mars missions. Addressing climate change on Earth first not only benefits our planet but also provides valuable technologies for terraforming Mars.

Implementing robust communication and safety infrastructure, such as satellite networks and space stations, along with advancements in fusion energy, will further bolster the feasibility and sustainability of long-term human presence on Mars. By waiting for technological advancements and ensuring a comprehensive support system, humanity can significantly increase the likelihood of success and safety in its quest to explore and settle on Mars.

Ultimately, while the journey to Mars presents immense challenges, careful planning, advanced engineering, and a phased approach leveraging the best of our technological advancements will make this ambitious goal achievable. By taking these steps, humanity can ensure that when we finally set foot on Mars, we do so with the highest chance of success and sustainability.
