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Biden Campaign Releases Ad Criticizing Trump as Putin’s ‘Lapdog’

President Biden’s reelection campaign released a new advertisement on Thursday, sharply criticizing former President Donald Trump and labeling him as a ‘lapdog’ for Russian President Vladimir Putin. The one-minute ad, titled “Lap Dog,” seeks to underscore Trump’s perceived friendliness towards Putin and his controversial stance on NATO commitments, according to a recent report by The Hill.

Ad Details and Messaging

The advertisement emphasizes Trump’s past comments where he suggested that the U.S. might not defend NATO allies who do not meet their defense spending obligations. It features the line: “This is who Donald Trump is, a lapdog for a dictator who blames America first.” The ad stresses the campaign’s message that the U.S. should never emulate Putin’s Russia, where dictators are empowered, and freedom is undermined.

The ad includes footage of President Biden affirming the U.S. commitment to Ukraine amidst its ongoing conflict with Russia. He states that the U.S. “will not walk away” from supporting Ukraine.

Context and Timing

The release of this ad coincides with the NATO summit in Washington. This summit marks the alliance’s 75th anniversary. President Biden is hosting the summit and is scheduled to meet with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. During his remarks at the summit, Biden reiterated his support for Ukraine. This is an important aspect as he navigates campaign challenges following a less-than-stellar debate performance last month.

Significance of the NATO Summit

The NATO summit is a critical platform for President Biden. It allows him to demonstrate his commitment to international alliances and counter Trump’s previous criticisms of NATO. This summit is particularly significant as it tests Biden’s resolve and leadership amidst ongoing global tensions and his reelection campaign.

Upcoming Press Conference

President Biden is set to hold a solo press conference on Thursday. This is a key opportunity for him to showcase his capability and readiness for another term. The press conference comes at a crucial time as Biden seeks to solidify his position and counter any doubts about his fitness for office.

Historical Tensions

Trump’s contentious relationship with NATO has been a recurring theme. Additionally, he has previously threatened to withdraw from the alliance and criticized member countries for not meeting defense spending targets. The Biden campaign has consistently targeted Trump’s stance on NATO. They highlight the risks such positions pose to international security and U.S. foreign policy.


The latest ad from Biden’s campaign is a strategic move. It aims to highlight what they perceive as Trump’s weaknesses in handling foreign relations and his alleged submissiveness to Putin. As the campaign progresses, Biden’s team is likely to continue emphasizing their candidate’s commitment to defending democratic values and maintaining strong international alliances.
